Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19

Red Tent Midwifery is following the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and other sources to reduce the spread of novel coronavirus, while providing optimal care to clients. The use of telehealth when needed will allow us to practice social distancing while also maintaining connection and caring for you holistically.


Prenatal visits will be held every 4-6 weeks up until 30 weeks of pregnancy, then every 2 weeks until after 36 weeks, then once a week until birth. Visits will typically be held in your home but may include a virtual component. All equipment used during the visit will be disinfected before leaving each client's home. A copy of our COVID-19 precautions guideline and our universal precautions guideline is available upon request.


Labor and birth care will be provided in the home, but the midwives ask that only essential people be present and only if they have no symptoms of infection. Two midwives will be present. The postpartum schedule of care includes a home visit at 24-48 hours after birth (newborn screening and heart disease screening are performed at that time), a home visit again at 3-4 days after birth, a virtual or in-person visit at 7-10 days, a virtual or in-person visit at 2-3 weeks, and a home visit at 6-8 weeks after birth.


Please note that we carry and use personal protective equipment per CDC guidelines, but we are not equipped to provide testing or direct care for persons with COVID-19. Any client with symptoms of COVID-19 or who tests positive for the infection will be directed to medical care. Prenatal or postpartum care may continue virtually until the infection is resolved and the recommended quarantine period has passed.


Articles and resources:

How to safely home birth during the pandemic - Bangor Daily News, April 9, 2020

Birthing in the time of COVID-19 - Evidence Based Birth

Women's wellness in a time of COVID-19 - Aviva Romm

Symptoms of Covid - CDC infographic

Protect yourself and others from Covid - CDC infographic